Discover The Addictive Properties of Wine at Our Houston Rehab
Is It Possible to Develop a Substance Abuse Problem from Drinking Wine?
It’s essential to understand that a wine-only addiction is quite unlikely. The taste of wine may appeal to you, even though you’re more likely to get addicted to alcohol. It is possible to describe certain persons as “wine addicts” if they only consume wine. This is as a result of consuming wine over a long time. Wine abuse is when a person’s wine consumption becomes an obsession and compulsive behavior (or addiction). A wino isa derogatory term for an addict who prefers to drink cheap wine.
What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Wine Addiction, and What Treatment Options Exist?
Wine addiction is a kind of alcohol dependence (also called alcohol use disorder). This illness makes you feel helpless in the face of your drinking.
Symptoms of Wine Abuse
Drinking too much wine, even when it’s causing issues in your professional or personal life, and concealing about just how much you drink are all signs of alcoholism, according to a new study.
Physical and Emotional Dependency
Another possibility is that you’ll become physically dependent on the drug. Your body starts to depend on wine (and other alcoholic beverages) for its daily functions. Withdrawal symptoms may include anxiety, sorrow, impatience, mood changes, tremors, nightmares, sweating, and difficulty thinking clearly.
Addiction to Wine and Its Effects
In the same way that alcohol affects your capacity to make judgments, wine also has the same effect. You are more likely to engage in unsafe behavior if you are addicted to alcohol. You may, for example, get into a car accident if you drive while intoxicated. Impaired judgment may also lead to other types of injuries, including burns, falls, and drownings.
Similarly, you may participate in risky sexual behavior, such as having sex with a large number of people without any kind of protection. It increases your risk of catching STDs and falling pregnant inadvertently if you engage in this behavior.
Other effects of drinking wine include;
- Stillbirth or miscarriage for pregnant women
- High blood pressure
- Cirrhosis
- Heart disease
- Mental health disorders
- Stroke
- Cognitive issues, such as dementia
- Digestive disorders
In addition to damaging your personal relationships, untreated alcoholism may have a negative impact on your career or education.
Taylor Recovery Can Help Handle Your Wine Addiction in The Most Compassionate Way
If you can’t enjoy a social event or relax or sleep without it, you might have a wine addiction. If you are worried that your consumption, whether of wine or another kind of alcohol, is having a detrimental influence on your life or the lives of those around you, it is imperative that you get help. Be aware that there really is no such thing as “too little” of an issue to get help with. In order to learn further about our treatment options and how we can help you or a loved one recover from alcoholism, please contact Taylor Recovery Center right now.