
How is SCIP Database Different from REACH Regulation?

The production and sale of EEE products (electronic and electrical) across the EU has been a reason of concern and control in the past decade. This was majorly because the substances and chemicals used in them were above the permissible limit and were a potential threat to the humankind. Not only this, their implications on the environment were also too large. Hence, the government came up with regulations like REACH and had a database of SCIP. 

Any company launching products in the market that contained Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs) has to now submit their data before they are coming into the market. 

What is the difference? 

The most important and obvious difference that one can feel between REACH and SCIP database has to be the level of data that is required by each. 

The data requirements for the SCIP database are extremely complex. This is not the case when working with the REACH regulations. They require a substantial quantity of information from the supply chain of the production line. The data to be submitted must have substance data as well as the company data too. In case of the substance data, the company needs to provide details about the reference substances, mixture categories, and concentration ranges. Besides these, one also needs to fill the article numbers, TARIC codes, material identification, and the legal entity IDs. 

This database also requires a declaration for the manufactured articles at every level of the production process. 

SCIP database objectives 

The purpose of this database is to reduce the amount of hazardous waste that is produced by EEE products. The database supports using the replacement of the articles that enter in the EU. It downstream the waste that is processed and reserve important information that will help them to initiate the water treatment process. With this, the authorities will also have a knowledge about the hazardous products that are getting used in these articles. After thoroughly analyzing the article, appropriate actions are determined based on the lifespan of each product and what is going to be their waste stage. 

The REACH regulations, on the other hand, focuses on protecting both public as well as the ecology. It does by replacing the use of hazardous materials with safer substances in the production process. 

To make the process easier for you, rely on the Enviropass Scip database and the team.