
ICSE Question Banks Class 10 2021 -22 Launched! Better Way To Kickstart Preparations?

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation, every educational board including the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) has postponed the board exam of Class 10. But the exam soon after the pandemic situation becomes a little fine all education boards in India including ICSE will conduct the Class 10 final exam. That means students cannot relax rather they have to start preparing for their board exam more aggressively in this pandemic period. But if you want to prepare for this most vital exam then you certainly need a strategic and systematic approach. The good thing is that the board has come up with ICSE Question Bank Class 10 2021 -22 with the help of which students can practice.

Ways to prepare for Class 10 board examination

The following are some essential strategies that will help you to secure good marks in the board exam:

  • Knowing the syllabus: The first thing that you need to know is to understand the whole syllabus. The publisher who has come up with the ICSE Question Bank Class 10 2021 -22 design the book as per the syllabus of the ICSE board. You will get the previous year’s question which will give you an idea about what type of question may appear in the exam. Apart from the previous question, the question bank also comes with a board specimen question that has a detailed explanation for the students to facilitate exam-oriented preparation.
  • Practice solving question paper: It is very essential to familiarize yourself with the question pattern for which it is highly necessary to practice solving as many questions as possible. Questions Banks contains previous year’s question paper and the best thing is that this type of book is clearly segregated into chapter-wise as well as topic-wise preparation. This becomes easier for the students to prepare for the exam.
  • Make important notes: It is important to make notes for important and formulas so that you can refer to them before the exam. In the question bank, you can get QR codes that you can scan for accessing the concept with videos. This makes learning very easy and simple. This type of book comes up with Mind Maps that unlock your imagination and you will be able to get new ideas.
  • Practice writing answers: You must write the answers to the board question in a lucid and detailed manner for ensuring a good score in the exam. At the time of writing the answers, you should concentrate on the quality of the answers rather than quantity. The good thing is that in the Questions Bank some publisher also provides examiner’s comment with the help of which you will not only be able to avoid making silly mistakes but can also understand the right format that you should follow while answering the question.
  • Making the study routine: It is also highly necessary to create an efficient routine if you want to score good marks in the exam. However, only making a routine is not enough but you have to stick to it. You should start the preparation from the beginning of the session. Apart from that, it is also necessary to divide the time judiciously so that equal importance is given to all subjects. Only working hard is not enough to do a good result in the board exam, you also have to work consistently and smartly.

These are some essential ways that you must follow for doing good results in the ICSE board exam. For coming out with flying colors in the board final exam you must prepare yourself with a systematic and strategic approach and this lockdown period is an ideal time for it. You can buy the question bank and start preparing from today onwards.