
Life With Braces –What To Eat, What To Avoid, And How To Clean

Nearly four million Americans presently wear braces, which many people have to get at some point. Many people need braces, but maintaining them requires a bit of planning. Taking good care of kids who enjoy sticky, sugary, or crunchy foods is essential. And the truth is, most people do! Even though many foods are temporarily forbidden, there are lots of delicious and healthful alternative meals that may be eaten while wearing braces.

Here’s an overview of what foods your child may comfortably consume during the first few weeks of wearing braces and what foods they should avoid to avoid harming their teeth and orthodontic hardware. If your child’s teeth are not aligned properly, contact an orthodontist in Morrisville, NC

What should you eat and how to clean while having braces

Eating may be difficult or painful at first while your child gets used to their new braces and mouth heals. These feelings will subside with time, but care is still needed. When somebody wears braces, eating the wrong foods or failing to clean their mouth correctly might result in:

  • Food being lodged in or on the top braces.
  • Rubber bands, wires, and brackets are worn, chipped, or bent.
  • Stains on bands, transparent components, and teeth.
  • Tooth decay or plaque is caused by food debris.
  • Broken braces need to be fixed by an orthodontist again since they are no longer effective.

Foods You Should Eat in Your First Week of Braces

In the first few weeks after the braces position, your kid might feel soreness or discomfort in the areas around their teeth, gums, and cheeks. The safest and most appealing diet consists mainly of soft foods because the teeth are more sensitive during this period.

Here are a few popular options that children can approve:

  1. Oatmeal: Add fruit, honey, or maple syrup to flavor your oatmeal; for the time being, omit the seeds, nuts, and other crunchy ingredients.
  2. Smoothies: Stick to vegetables and fruits like greens, bananas, protein powders, pineapple, and blueberries in your kid’s smoothie rather than adding fruits with hard seeds.
  3. Soup: Pick a soup that is creamy or broth-based and does not contain tough-to-chew meat or vegetable bits. One good way to include more veggie nutrients without losing flavor is to use puréed soups.
  4. Scrambled eggs: Eggs should be scrambled without adding hard cheeses or other crispy omelet components. Cook with butter, spices, or tiny herbs for more flavor.